
All in Earth magnetic feld (EMF) gets magnetic properties (MP). Summed MP with intensity stronger than natural EMF, are Anomalous magnetic fields (AMF). Diamagnetic can become paramagnetic, depending on the environment in which it is, enabling humans hormones, enzymes, proteins secretion from organs. Aim: Show that living world is assemblage of electrical beings. Point the electrical potential generator in body. Point enormous AMF pathological power. Show how does old organism function, and how a young one. Concerning immune system and aging. Point prevention, i.e. protection from AMF. Explain COVID-19 functioning. Methodology: Published scientific works in international journals are used and presented in literature at the end of this work, being a basic methodological lead of this presentation. Unknown physiological and pathological processes in humans in medicine are explained. AMF foundings are performed visually, i.e. watching TV reports during treatments of COVID-19 patients. Results: Using knowledge of geomagnetism and electrotechnics, presented are ambiguities from physiology, cell’s division, breathing, heart functioning and central nervous system. Also presented is pathology causing enormous mortality and diseases caused by AMF. Explained is a virus entrance into a host cell and its functioning with MP increase in AMF from external environment. It is suggested how to stop patients death by eliminating AMF from their dwelling places. Conclusion: Humans are magnetic and electromagnetic beings. All chemical substances are electrical impulses products. Life is created according to a magnetic code enabled by EMF and its end is when EMF disappears, as it happened on plant Venus. Biology-medical science should consider Earth magnetic fields in order to prolong life on planet Earth and eliminate dangerous diseases (cancer, KVD, diabetes etc.) caused by AMF, what is possible only by eliminating AMF from people’s dwelling places and what helps in treating and preventing the mentioned diseases. After 30 years of research, clear proofs are found that eliminating AMF from living environment and spending time in natural EMF life can be prolonged to over 90 years. It is, also, found that the new COVID-19 wave in Serbia is producing much less disease cases than in its surrounding. This result is achieved because, for over 30 years, people are constantly informed about mortal diseases causes (CVD, cancer, diabetes and, lately, COVID-19 and other diseases), having AMF as the main pathological factor from external environment. At the beginning, public media have been included (television, daily newspapers and radio) but some “higher forces” have forbidden this kind of information.

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