
The characterization of junctions in nanowires by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy with spherical aberration correction is tricky and tedious. Many disadvantages also exist, including rigorous sample preparation and structural damage inflicted by high-energy electrons. In this work, we present a simple, low-cost, and non-destructive Raman spectroscopy method of characterizing anomalous junctions in nanowires with axially degraded components. The Raman spectra of SixGe1−x nanowires with axially degraded components are studied in detail using a confocal micro-Raman spectrometer. Three Raman peaks (νSi–Si = 490 cm−1, νSi–Ge = 400 cm−1, and νGe–Ge = 284 cm−1) up-shift with increased Si content. This up-shift originates in the bond compression induced by a confined effect on the radial direction of nanowire. The anomalous junctions in SixGe1−x nanowires with axially degraded components are then observed by Raman spectroscopy and verified by transmission electron microscopy energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The anomalous junctions of SixGe1−x nanowires with axially degraded components are due to the vortex flow of inlet SiH4 and GeH4 gas in their synthesis. The anomalous junctions can be used as raw materials for fabricating devices with special functions.

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