
Motivated by the need to understand the dynamics of motile particles in porous media, our team has applied renormalization group techniques to both upscale and classify anomalous dispersive/diffusive behavior. Central limit theorems, which lead to a specific type of renormalization group, are employed in several cases to upscale transport of motile particles in porous media that display a specific type of fractal character. The old standby classification for diffusion (which we use interchangeably with dispersion) says a particle is anomalous if its mean square displacement is not linear in time. This physically intuitive concept, is shown to be inadequate, and so is replaced by a scheme that relies on the fixed points of specific renormalization group operators. Various asymptotic limits are examined, and scaling laws for the limits are derived. A random renormalization operator is introduced for processes with multiple asymptotes and unknown self-similarity index, and a Bayesian tool is employed to obtain scaling laws that are weighted averages of power laws.

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