
RECENTLY, H. B. Dorgelo has carried out a series of measurements of the intensities of the components of multiple spectral lines (Dissertation, Utrecht, 1924) and obtained results of great interest. He found that the doublets of the sharp series of the alkalies had a 2: 1 ratio of intensity, the triplet components of the sharp series of the alkaline earths had a 5: 3: 1 ratio, the triplets of the sharp series of a sextet system had a 4: 3: 2 ratio, and the triplets of an octet system a 5: 4: 3 ratio. The theoretical interpretation of this result has been discussed by Sommerfeld (“Atombau”, Fourth Edition, p. 649) and by Ornstein and Burger (Zeit. für Physik, 1924, 24, p. 41). As illustrations of Dorgelo's work may be quoted the case of the triplets of manganese 6021, 6016, 6013, which show a 4: 3: 2 intensity ratio.

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