
In the framework of the gauge invariant approach involving Stueckelberg and auxiliary fields, a totally symmetric arbitrary spin anomalous conformal current and shadow field in flat space-time of dimension greater than or equal to 4 are studied. Gauge invariant differential constraints for such anomalous conformal current and shadow field and realization of global conformal symmetries are obtained. A gauge invariant two-point vertex of the arbitrary spin anomalous shadow field is also obtained. In the Stueckelberg gauge frame, the two-point gauge invariant vertex becomes the standard two-point vertex of CFT. A light-cone gauge two-point vertex of the arbitrary spin anomalous shadow field is derived. The AdS/CFT correspondence for arbitrary spin anomalous conformal current and shadow field and the respective normalizable and non-normalizable modes of massive arbitrary spin AdS field is studied. The AdS field is considered in modified de Donder gauge which simplifies considerably the study of AdS/CFT correspondence. We show that on-shell leftover gauge symmetries of bulk massive field are related to gauge symmetries of boundary anomalous conformal current and shadow field, while the modified de Donder gauge condition for a bulk massive field is related to differential constraints for boundary anomalous conformal current and shadow field.

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