
This work presents an analytical study of electronic transport in dimerized trans-polyacetylene (Trans PA) oligomers containing even (n = 4, 6, 8, 10 sites) and odd (n = 3, 5, 7, 9 sites) chains where the site C1 is sandwiched by two metallic electrodes (Left and Right). These devices exhibit T-shaped geometry and are investigated by Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model via Heisenberg equation of motion combined with the Keldysh formalism. We introduced disorder into the system through the dimerization force (δ) demonstrating that the dimerization in the chain can effectively lead to a linear (low δ) or zigzag (high δ) behavior, besides also suffering increase or decrease in conductance peak [dI/dV]max. The odd chains exhibit trivial topological behavior to which the conductance peaks are suppressed as dimerization disorder is considered-creates barriers for tunneling. On the other hand, we have an opposite behavior for conductance peaks in the even chains. For example, the chain with weak dimerization (low δ) has a perfect transmission for even chains. In addition, we note for odd chains the formation of a plateau in the I–V curve for bias voltages and for even chains that show a linear current. This procedure shows an analytical study through the tunneling of the parameters on the device, such parameters as the tunneling amplitude (ГL/R) can be accessible experimentally.

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