
Most GPS coordinate time series, surface displacements derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), and loading models display significant annual signals at many regions. This paper compares the annual signals of the GPS position time series from the Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), estimates of loading from GRACE monthly gravity field models calculated by three processing centers (Center of Spatial Research, CSR; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL; GeoForschungsZentrum, GFZ) and three geophysical fluids models (National Center for Environmental Prediction, NCEP; Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, ECCO; Global Land Data Assimilation System, GLDAS) for 270 globally distributed stations for the period 2003-2011. The results show that annual variations derived from the level-2 products from the three GRACE product centers are very similar. The absolute difference in annual amplitude between any two centers is never larger than 1.25 mm in the vertical and 0.11 mm in horizontal displacement. The mean phase differences of the GRACE results are less than ten days for all three components. When we correct the GPS vertical coordinate time series using the GRACE annual amplitudes using the products from three GRACE analysis centers, we find that we are able to reduce the GPS annual signal in the vertical at about 80% stations and the average reduction is about 47%. In the north and the east, the annual amplitude is reduced on 77% and 72% of the stations with the average reduction 32% and 33%. We also compare the annual surface displacement signal derived from two environmental models; the two models use the same atmospheric and non-tidal ocean loading and differ only in the continental water storage model that we use, either NCEP or GLDAS. We find that the model containing the GLDAS continental water storage is able to better reduce the annual signal in the GPS coordinate time series.

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