
Annual Bibliography of Studies in Western American Literature Editor: Richard D. Keller, Emporia Kansas State College Staff: Robert J. Brophy, California State University at Long Beach; John D. Burlinson, Texas A&M University; Thomas J. Lyon, Utah State University; Valerie Neal, University of Minnesota; Donald S. Pady, Iowa State University; Robyn Reed, Utah State University; Ann Ronald, University of Nevada; Gregory S. Sojka, Bowling Green State Univer­ sity; Lucille Spinder, Emporia Kansas State College. Anyone interested in joining the bibliographical staff is invited to write to Richard Keller, English Department, Emporia Kansas State College, Emporia, Kansas 66801. Authors of books and articles are encouraged to call our attention to items for inclusion in the bibliography. Atherton, Gertrude. McClure, Charlotte S. “A Checklist of the Writings of and About Gertrude Atherton.” American Literary Realism, 1870-1910, IX (Spring 1976), 103-62. ---------. “Gertrude Atherton (1857-1948).” American Literary Realism, 1870-1910, IX (Spring 1976), 95-101. Bibliographies. Bullen, John S. “Annual Bibliography of Studies in Western American Literature.” Western American Literature, X (February 1976), 311-20. Cracroft, Richard H. “Research in Western American Literature,” Western American Literature, X (February 1976), 321-26. “Guide to Dissertations on American Literary Figures, 1870-1910; Part Two.” American Literary Realism, 1870-1910, VIII (Autumn 1975), 291-348. Maxton, Bonnie L. “Sources and Literature for Western American History. A List of Dissertations. Literature and Art.” Western Historical Quar­ terly, VII (July 1976), 304-305. ---------. “Sources and Literature for Western American History. Recent Articles; Literature, Music and Folklore.” Western Historical Quarterly, VII (July 1976), 348-349. 332 Western American Literature Pady, Donald S. “Annual Bibliography of Studies in Midwestern Literature: 1974.” MidAmerica III (1976), 135-47. Powell, Donald M. “Current Arizona Bibliography.” Arizona Quarterly, XXXII (Spring 1976), 57-60. Blake, Forrester. Legris, Maurice. “The Western World of Forrester Blake.” South Dakota Review, XIII (Winter 1975-76), 64-76. Bliven, Bruce. Greb, Gordon. “Seven Million Words Later: An Interview with Bruce Bliven.” San Jose Studies, II (May 1976), 62-73. Bly, Robert. Molesworth, Charles. “Thrashing in the Depths: The Poetry of Robert Bly.” Rocky Mountain Review, XXIX (Autumn 1975), 95-117. Brautigan, Richard. Jones, Stephen R. “Richard Brautigan: A Bibliography.” Bulletin of Bibli­ ography, XXXIII (January 1976), 53-59. Kern, Robert. “Williams, Brautigan, and the Poetics of Primitivism.” Chi­ cago Review, XXVII (Summer 1975), 47-57. Castaneda, Carlos. Brown, Carl R. V. “Journey to Ixtlan: Inside the American Indian Oral Tradition.” Arizona Quarterly, XXXII (Summer 1976), 138-45. Cather, Willa. Halac, Dennis. “Novel or Biography?” Commonweal, CIII (March 26, 1976), 210-11. Hamner, Eugenie Lambert. “Affirmations in Willa Cather’s A Lost Lady.” Midwest Quarterly, XVII (Spring 1976), 245-51. Helmick, Evelyn Thomas. “The Broken World: Medievalism in A Lost Lady.” Renascence, XXVIII (Autumn 1975), 39-48. ---------. “The Mysteries of Antonia.” Midwest Quarterly, XVII (Winter 1976), 173-85. Murphy, John J. “The Art of Shadows on the Rock.” Prairie Schooner, L (Spring 1976), 37-51. Roulston, Robert. “The Contrapuntal Complexity of Willa Cather’s The Song of the Lark.” Midwest Quarterly, XVII (Summer 1976), 350-68. Clemens, Samuel. Coard, Robert L. “Tom Sawyer, Sturdy Centenarian.” Midwest Quarterly, XVII (Summer 1976), 329-49. Davis, Philip E. “Mark Twain as Moral Philosopher.” San Jose Studies, II (May 1976), 83-93. Fatout, Paul, ed. Mark Twain Speaking. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1976. Schwartz, Thomas D. “Mark Twain and Robert Ingersoll: The Freethought Connection.” American Literature, XLVIII (May 1976), 183-93. Bibliography 333 Towers, Tom H. “ ‘I Never Thought We Might Want to Come Back’: Strategies of Transcendence in Tom Sawyer.” Modern Fiction Studies, XXI (Winter 1975/76), 509-20. Ziff, Larzer. “Authorship and Craft: The Example of Mark Twain.” The Southern Review, XII (Spring 1976), 246-60. Cooper, James Fenimore. Butler, Michael D. “Narrative Structure and Historical Process in The Last of the Mohicans.” American Literature, XLVIII (May 1976), 117-39. Ross, Morton L. “Cooper’s The Pioneers and the Ethnographic Impulse.” American Studies, XVI (Autumn 1975), 49-65. Crane, Stephen. Kinnamon, Jon M. “Henry James, the Bartender in Stephen Crane’s ‘The Blue Hotel.’” Arizona Quarterly, XXX (Summer 1974), 160-166. Cunningham, J. V. Kaye, Frances W. “The West as Desolation: J. V. Cunningham’s To What Strangers, What Welcome.” The...

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