


  • TThhee MMaaggnneettoocchheemmiissttrryy TTrraavveell AAwwaarrdd hhaass bbeeeenn ggrraanntteedd ttoo DDrr

  • Tso).dTaoted, aDtre., Ortu has co‐authored 22 papers, eight of which he has written as the first author, which have been

  • Dr Ortu has co-authored 22 papers, eight of which he has written as the first author, which have been published in prestigious journals such as Nature, Nature Chemistry, and Journal of the American Chemical Society

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TThhee MMaaggnneettoocchheemmiissttrryy TTrraavveell AAwwaarrdd hhaass bbeeeenn ggrraanntteedd ttoo DDrr. Announcing the 2018 Magnetochemmiissttrryy TTrraavveellAward fAowr Parodstf-oDroPcotostr‐aDl FoectlolorwalsFellows Instituto de Ciencia Molecular,, PPaarrqquueeCCiieennttíífificcoo,,UUnniivveerrssiiddaaddddeeVVaalelenncciaia,,CC//José Beltrán,2, 46980 Patteerrnna,, Vaalleenncciiaa,, SSppaaiinn;; ccaarrllooss..ggoommeezz@@uuvv..eess Received: February 2018; Accepted: February 2018; Published: February 2018

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