
Two years into our editorship, we are pleased that the new ideas outlined in our manifesto (Bolli R. The new Circulation Research : a manifesto. Circ Res . 2010;106:216–226) have been successfully implemented. Nevertheless, we are continuing to work to further improve both the format and the content of the journal. Simply put, we want Circulation Research to be the best possible forum for scientific information and discussion for readers and authors alike. To this end, we are introducing several new features. A new word limit for Original Contributions. Circulation Research is pleased to announce that the word limit for regular Original Contributions has been increased from 6,000 to 7,000 words. The rationale for allowing more space is that many articles, particularly comprehensive studies that often have a major impact on the field, simply cannot be compressed into 6,000 words; as a result, authors have had to choose among one of four options (some of which may not be particularly palatable): i) “split” the paper in two parts, one published in the man text and one published as an online supplement, ii) publish online only, iii) pay for extra pages, or …

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