
<h3>To the Editor.</h3> —The American Society of the Order of St. John announces the availability of an appointment for an American ophthalmologist to the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem. At present, we are seeking a highly qualified young ophthalmologist (with or without family members) to begin work in the hospital by September or October 1968 for a period of ten months. Particular interest in corneal surgery is desirable, and credentials must demonstrate general proficiency in ophthalmology as well as leadership ability. Living expenses in that country will be limited to food and personal costs since housing is provided. A yearly stipend of $10,000 has proven very adequate reimbursement in past years. The hospital, which was originally in the Arab section of Jerusalem, serves mostly Arab refugee patients, and most of the Arab hospital personnel have been locally trained; whereas, the ophthalmologists and chief nurses are British. We feel that

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