
<p>本文逐條校讀《明史紀事本末‧弘治君臣》的文本,註出其可能的史源,並以史源校正文本之訛誤。並以校注結果,兼談作者的編纂水平與史學。今尋其史源,以《皇明大政紀》為最主要史源,全書只有三條文本沒有參考引用《皇明大政紀》。不少條文本,其他史書皆不載,獨《皇明大政紀》載之;是獨家史源。由於編者未參考《明實錄》,全篇99條,時間錯置多達47處。而人名、官名和文字缺漏亦有18處,是本篇缺點。但作者能根據私家史書撰寫一些官方史書忌諱的史事,是本篇優點。其敘事完全配合「谷應泰論贊」對弘治朝政治的評價,論述其君臣之互動,大臣不斷進諫,弘治帝也能採納。對於朝政的負面現象,也不迴避。就此而論,《明史紀事本末‧弘治君臣》仍不失為一篇良史之作。</p> <p> </p><p>This is an annotated version of the chapter on “ Emperor Hongzhi and his Ministers” in the Major Events of Ming History, tracing the likely sources upon which the account was based, and using the sources to correct errors in the text. And the essay will further discuss the editorial and historiographical abilities of the compiler. The Chronicle of Major Political Events of the Ming Dynasty was the most important source for this work. In the entire volume, there were only three entries that did not cite the Chronicle of Major Political Events of the Ming Dynasty. Several of the entries cited no historical sources other than the Chronicle of Major Political Events of the Ming Dynasty, and hence it could be the only source. Because the compiler did not consult the Ming Veritable Records, among the ninety-nine entries in the volume, there were as many as forty-seven errors in dates. And there were eighteen errors in names and titles of individuals. These are the weaknesses of this volume. However, the compiler was able to draw upon works by private historians to recount historical events omitted from the official records. This is the strength of this volume. The narrative completely matches the evaluation in “Gu Yingtai’s Assessment” on the Hongzhi reign regarding the interactions between the Hongzhi emperor and his ministers, that the high officials made endless admonitions of the emperor and the emperor was fairly receptive to their opinions. As for the negative aspects of governance during this reign, the work does not avoid them. And hence, the “Emperor Hongzhi and his Ministers” chapter in the Major Events of Ming History can be regarded as a fine historical record.</p> <p> </p>

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