
Currently, the population of Ukraine is in a psychologically traumatic situation of war, as a result of a full-scale Russian invasion in 2022. This has a negative impact on a person's psyche, in particular on his psychophysical safety, which includes both psychological impact and physiological impact. As a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, people received changes in their everyday life, which affected their outlook, physical and mental health, and left both visible and psychological injuries. This causes difficulties for the existence of people in modern society, namely difficulties in interpersonal communication, psychological adaptation, obstacles in everyday life. The purpose of the paper is to practically investigate the impact of the full-scale russian-Ukrainian war (2022-2023) on the human psyche, in particular the psychological experience of the physical safety of the individual. The subject of the study is the impact of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war (2022-2023) on the psychophysical safety of the individual. Methodology of the study is based on using modern methods of scientific analysis and practical research of the phenomenon of experiencing the physiological safety of the individual during the war. In order to achieve the goal of research and analysis of the impact of war on the experience of the physical health of an individual, a psychological longitudinal study was conducted in which 101 respondents from various regions of Ukraine participated. Results of our research showed that the most significant factors affecting the psychophysical safety of an individual are fears, anxiety, worries about safety, the dynamics of which during the two stages of the study tend to decrease, but the indicators remained at a sufficiently high level. Practical implications. The conducted longitudinal study of the impact of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war (2022-2023) on the psychophysical safety of the individual made it possible to analyze the factors that influenced the individual during the year of the war. Value/originality. The war situation that occur as a result of the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 is unpredictable, variable, with different impacts, which makes it unique for the people of Ukraine. We conducted a longitudinal study, that gives us an opportunity to trace the dynamics of experiences and factors affecting psychophysical safety from the first days of the full-scale russian-Ukrainian war and a year after the war.

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