
Hirano studied the quasi-Armendariz property of rings, and then this concept was generalized by some authors, defining quasi-Armendariz property for skew polynomial rings and monoid rings. In this article, we consider unified approach to the quasi-Armendariz property of skew power series rings and skew polynomial rings by considering the quasi-Armendariz condition in mixed extension ring [R; I][x; σ], introducing the concept of so-called (σ, I)-quasi Armendariz ring, where R is an associative ring equipped with an endomorphism σ and I is an σ-stable ideal of R. We study the ring-theoretical properties of (σ, I)-quasi Armendariz rings, and we obtain various necessary or sufficient conditions for a ring to be (σ, I)-quasi Armendariz. Constructing various examples, we classify how the (σ, I)-quasi Armendariz property behaves under various ring extensions. Furthermore, we show that a number of interesting properties of an (σ, I)-quasi Armendariz ring R such as reflexive and quasi-Baer property transfer to its mixed extension ring and vice versa. In this way, we extend the well-known results about quasi-Armendariz property in ordinary polynomial rings and skew polynomial rings for this class of mixed extensions. We pay also a particular attention to quasi-Gaussian rings.

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