
The sorting of apical proteins comprises an initial recognition step in the trans Golgi network and a final partitioning of the apical pool of proteins into at least two different types of vesicular carriers. One criteria of these carriers is the association or non-association of the protein content with lipid rafts. We have previously characterized a population containing the raft-associated sucrase-isomaltase-carrying vesicles (SAVs) and another one, the non-raft-associated lactase-phlorizin hydrolase-carrrying vesicles (LAVs) that are targeted separately to the apical membrane. Here, we demonstrate biochemically and by employing confocal laser microscopy that the annexin II-S100A10 complex is a component of SAVs and is absent from LAVs. The unequivocal role of annexin II in the apical targeting of SI is clearly demonstrated when down-regulation of this protein by annexin II-specific small interfering RNA drastically decreases the apical delivery of SI in the epithelial cell line Madin-Darby canine kidney. The annexin II-S100A10 complex plays therefore a crucial role in routing SAVs to the apical membrane of epithelial cells.

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