
OZET Amac: Bu calismada amac annelerin dogum sonrasi yasam kalitelerini incelemek ve etkileyen bazi faktorleri belirlemektir. Yontem: Tanimlayici nitelikte yapilan arastirmanin evrenini, 1 Ocak - 30 Nisan 2013 tarihleri arasinda Erzurum il merkezinde bulunan bir Aile Sagligi Merkezine basvuran ve dogum sonu 4-6. haftasinda olan 266 anne olusturmustur. Arastirmanin orneklemini arastirmaya katilmayi kabul eden 206 anne olusturmustur. Verilerin toplanmasinda “Anket Formu” ve “Dogum Sonu Yasam Kalitesi Olcegi” kullanilmistir. Bulgular: Annelerin yas ortalamasi 29.08±5.68’dir. Annelerin %35’i ilkokul mezunu, %83’u herhangi bir iste calismamakta ve %74.3’u cekirdek tipi ailede yasamaktadir. %76.2’si multipar, %81.1’i isteyerek gebe kalmis ve %66’si vajinal dogum yapmistir. %58.7’i dogum sonu doneme yonelik bilgi almistir. Annelerin Dogum Sonu Yasam Kalitesi Olcegi toplam puan ortalamasi 16.85±4.82’dir. Annelerin egitim duzeylerine, dogum sekline ve dogum sonrasi doneme yonelik bilgi alma durumlarina gore Dogum Sonu Yasam Kalitesi Olcegi toplam puan ortalamalari arasindaki farkin istatistiksel olarak anlamli oldugu bulunmustur (p<0.001). Sonuc: Calismaya katilan annelerin dogum sonu yasam kalitesi duzeylerinin orta duzeyde oldugu saptanmistir. Universite mezunu olan, vajinal dogum yapan ve dogum sonu doneme yonelik bilgi alan annelerin diger annelere gore dogum sonu yasam kalitelerinin daha iyi duzeyde oldugu belirlenmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Dogum sonu donem; yasam kalitesi; hemsire. ABSTRACT Examination of the Postpartum Life Quality of Mothers Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the postpartum life quality of mothers and determine some affecting factors. Method: Population of this descriptive study consisted of 266 mothers, who applied to Family Health Center in the city center of Erzurum between January 1, 2013 and April 30, 2013 and were in the 4-6th postpartum week. Sample group of the study involves 206 mothers, who were accepted to participate in the study. “Questionnaire Form” and “Maternal Postpartum Quality of Life Questionnaire”, were used to collect the data. Results: Average age of mothers was 29.08±5.68. While 35% of mothers were primary school graduates, 83% were unemployed and 74.3% lived in a nuclear family. 76.2% multipar, 81.1% had intended pregnancy and 66% gave vaginal birth. 58.7% were informed about the postpartum period. Mothers’ total mean score of Maternal Postpartum Quality of Life Questionnaire is 16.85±4.82. It was determined that the difference between total mean scores of Maternal Postpartum Quality of Life Questionnaire was statistically significant according to educational levels, delivery method of mothers, as well as their state of obtaining information about the postpartum period (p<0.001). Conclusion: Postpartum life quality levels of mothers who participated in the study were determined to be moderately. Also, mothers, who were university graduate, had vaginal birth and were informed about the postpartum period, had higher levels of postpartum life quality compared to other mothers. Keywords: Postpartum; quality of life; nurse.

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