Herein, the formation and electrochemical performance of a novel binder-free turbostratic stacked/ well-ordered stacked δ-MnO2-carbon fiber composite cathodes in deep eutectic solvent (DES) based zinc-ion battery (ZIB) is reported. Results of morphological, elemental, and structural analyses revealed directly grown and interconnected δ-MnO2 crumpled nanosheets on a carbon fiber substrate. Moreover, an improvement via a simple annealing strategy in the stacking, surface area and conductivity of the δ-MnO2 sheets was observed. Annealing induces the rearrangement of δ-MnO2 sheets resulting in the transformation from turbostratic stacking to a well-ordered stacking of {delta }-MnO2 sheets, as indicated by the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) hexagonal single crystal pattern. Besides, the formation of the well-ordered stacking of {delta }-MnO2 sheets exhibited improved electrochemical performance and cyclability, as cathode material for ZIB. The novel strategy described in this study is an essential step for the development of binder-free δ-MnO2-C fiber composite with a well-ordered stacking of δ-MnO2 sheets. This study also demonstrated comparable electrochemical performance between the turbostratic {delta }-MnO2 sheets and the well-ordered stacked δ-MnO2 sheets.
RyanD ul a c or p u z 1, 2, L y n M ari e Z
A further objective is to investigate its electrochemical performance as a cathode material for Zinc-ion battery (ZIB)
This study focuses on thorough optimization of the synthesis parameters viz. time and temperature which can significantly affect the resulting morphology, structure, and the performance of the battery[30,31,32,33]
RyanD ul a c or p u z 1, 2 , L y n M ari e Z. D e J u an 1, 3 , S u p ar eakpras ert h d a m 1, 4 , R oj anaporn pr a s ert s u k5, 6, 7 , T et s uY onezawa 8 , M ai Thanhnguyen 8 & S o or at h e pK heawhom 1, 6 * H er ei n, t h e f or m ati onand el e ctr o c h e mi c al p erf or mance of a n o v el bi n d er-fr e e t ur b o str ati c st acked/ w ell- or d er e d st ackedδ - M no 2 - c ar bonib er compo sit e c at hodesindeepe ut e cti c s ol v e nt ( D E S) based zi n c-i o n b att er y ( ZI B) isrep ort e d. I d s, n a na d n diti o n, os p he it h r e, as na w n ell-st os he u di e et s, dnpahn as es: α ofl a k e
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