
Chilean society has undergone great changes resulting from globalization and the installation of the neoliberal economic model. Consumption is represented in the procurement of goods and services, not only it constitutes a satisfactor element of basic needs, but it is also presented as articulator of building individual and collective identities and in a historically formed cultural practice that emerges within structures and ideological imperatives of dynamic markets. This study aims to analyze theoretically the relationship between styles purchasing, material values and life satisfaction in adolescents in the context of post-modern societies. In this regard 50 academic articles published in scientific journals available electronically were reviewed, 37 articles corresponding to journals indexed in the database Web of Science, 8 articles in journals indexed in the database Scopus, 4 journal articles indexed to Scientific Electronic Library Onlin (SCIELO) and finally, 1 article in a journal indexed to Latindex and corresponding to the subjects under study. The period of publication of the magazine was from 1978 until 2015. In this order it is seen in the current literature that styles buying question the rational model of economic decision-making, It is appreciated that individuals consider affective elements in their purchasing decisions, this is expressed in impulsive and compulsive styles. As for the material values, these are directly related to impulse buying and compulsive shopping. In terms of satisfaction with life, we see this variable has been poorly studied in the framework of Economic Psychology and therefore it is necessary to deepen about the relationship between styles of purchase, material values and this variable. The results are discussed within the framework of the conception of Chile as a postmodern society, the collective conception of living austerely changed significantly since the full installation of the neoliberal economic model, and hedonistic values are visible in the economic behavior of adolescents.

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