
Title: Analysis of draft publicly funded research in Sport Psychology. Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyze the Research Projects I+D+i financed by the National in the area of psychology and man- agement in the area of Sport Management, as well as granted by the Sports Council. Thiswas recorded on the website of the Ministry of Innovation and Science projects related to sports science (n = 155) and those associ- ated with psychology (n = 646). In addition there were projects awarded by the National Sports Council (CSD) (n = 203). From each of the approved projects have analyzed the following variables: year of the grant, gender re- searcher, principal investigator name, Region, University or agency, the grant amount,project type, project mode of Psychology sport and type of sample projects of Sport Psychology. The results indicate that the grant is much larger project of Sport Psychology in the Plan Nacional managed within the area of sport management and the Sports Council, that are man- aged within the management area of psychology, and well in all of them is much higher percentage of men than women as principal investigator. The regions of Cataluna, Valencia, Andalucia and Extremadura are spread over 70% of the approved projects in Sport Psychology. Among the Autono- mous University of Barcelona, the University of Extremadura and the Uni- versity ofValencia are distributed over a third of all projects of Sport Psy- chology. The Psychology of Sport mode with more projects is the Health and Quality of Life, followed Motivation and Emotion and Psychobiology of Sport.

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