
Objective The objective of this study is to describe patients referred for urological examination by their primary health care centres according to ethnicity and the disorders in question. The area selected for this study is the Raval Sur neighborhood in the city of Barcelona which has a high immigrant population. This will enable us to understand the health needs of an emerging population which is gaining considerable importance in many Spanish cities, at least where the specialty of urology is concerned. Patients and methods Prospective study of all patients who visited the urology division at Barcelona's Raval Sur Specialty Centre during 2007. The chosen population consisted of all patients visiting the urology division for the first time. Results We studied 247 patients, of whom 124 were Spanish, 75 South Asian, 27 Americans, 11 Africans and 10 from other countries. The average age was higher in Spanish patients: 57.86 ± 17.85 years compared with 37.54 ± 11.07 years for other nationalities. Both groups were predominantly male. Statistical differences for prostate symptoms were observed between patient groups:, these symptoms were present in 32.4% of Spanish patients, 7.95% of South Asians,17.2% of Americans and 9.1% of Africans. Significant differences were also seen in the PSA increase, affecting 15.2% of Spaniards, with no cases in other groups. Sexual functional pathology was only a motive for examination in the South Asian group, with 56.8% of patients. Phymosis and vasectomy surgery were the reasons for consultation in 9.8% of Spaniards, 2.7% of South Asians, 25% of Americans and were not required by any patient of African origin. Lower back pain was also observed in 0.7% of Spaniards, 1.35% of South Asians and 18.2% of Africans, but in none of the American patients. Gross haematuria was present in 5.1% of Spaniards, 3.4% of Americans, 18.2% of Africans and in no South Asian patients. Conclusions The most common reason for consultation in the Spanish patient group was prostatic hypertrophy, American patients requested phymosis surgery or surgical sterilization, and South Asians visited for different sexual pathologies, which affected 56.8% of patients in this group. There were no significant differences in the number of additional examinations or in in the number of visits required for diagnosis between the different ethnic groups. One problem that we noted was the missed appointment rate for some patients, which is twice as high in the immigrant group as among Spanish patients and highest in the African and South Asian groups.

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