
This study was conducted in a traditional agrosystem in the north-east of Alicante Province (SE Spain). The study area is approximately 59,000 ha. The area is highly varied, with mountains in the interior region, which has traditionally been dedicated to dry groves, and plains in the littoral zone which are dedicated to irrigated groves and tourism. It is characterized by a semiarid Mediterranean climate. The study was based on information obtained by oral interviews with hunting managers, and which provided data on wild boar abundance and population growth between 1980 and the present. A GIS database was constructed made up of 15 game reserves in the Marina Baja. The database included different variables: land use at the reserve level, abundances and population growth. The results show that 2 reserves have very high density (15-25 ind/ha), 2 preserves have medium abundances (10-15 ind/ha), 5 preserves have low abundances (5-0 ind/ha) and 6 preserves have very low abundances (0-5 ind/ha). Peak values are found in the interior and mountain reserves, where there is a mixture of dry groves, abandoned groves and natural areas. On the other hand, minimum values are found in the reserves which are near to the coast, where there are few suitable habitats and high concentrations of people. Finally, the wild boar populations have increased since 1980 in all the reserves studied.

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