
Leija, E.G., Valenzuela-Ceballos, S.I., Valencia-Castro, M., Jiménez-González, G., Castañeda-Gaytán, G., Reyes-Hernández, H., Mendoza, M.E. 2020. Analysis of change in vegetation cover and land use in the north-central region of Mexico. The case of the lower basin of the Nazas river. Ecosistemas 29(1): 1826. https://doi.org/10.7818/ECOS.1826 Deforestation has an important impact on ecosystems, altering their capacity for providing environmental services, affecting particularly semiarid areas. The Parque Estatal Cañón de Fernández is located on the lower section of Nazas river, with 24936,6 ha and constitutes an important national and international natural protected area, because it supplies water to several cities in the north of Mexico and is recognized as a highly important habitat for aquatic birds. Nevertheless, the necessity of satisfying agricultural activities and a growing population has promoted land use and cover changes in the region. The aim of this research was to evaluate land cover and land use changes on the lower basin of Río Nazas between 1990 and 2016. Based on visual interpretation of Landsat Tm and ETM images we generated digital data bases for land cover and land use. On 2016 the natural vegetation was composed by xeric shrub and riparian forest. In twenty six years deforestation affected 32.1% of the total area. There is a necessity to develop public policies for improving water sustainable use to preserve this xeric ecosystem.

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