
This study aimed to establish an vehicular emissions inventory to the Pelotas city, for the 2012 base year. An analysis of vehicular emissions was proposed to the CO, NOx and NMHC atmospheric pollutants, following the methodology proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The vehicle fleet data was obtained from the National Traffic Department (DENATRAN-RS), resumed in five vehicle categories (light vehicles, light commercial vehicles, trucks, motorcycle and bus). The categorization of fuel consumed (gasoline, alcohol, biofuel and diesel) follows distribution obtained from the National Agency of Vehicle Manufacturer (Anfavea) and emission factors have been corrected by the deterioration factor, according to the methodology proposed in the National Inventory of vehicle emissions. As evidenced in inventory results, automobiles (totaling 59% of Pelotas fleet) accounted for approximately 63% of the emission of CO and 72% of NMHC emissions. As expected, the heavy vehicles (trucks / buses) accounted for 76% of NOx emissions in the city. It was estimated that the fleet vehicle Pelotas emits 11,497 tonnes of CO, 3,727 tons of NOx and 2,280 tons of NMHC.

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