
Objective: To evaluate the nutritional composition of fad diets in non-scientific magazines. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study of fad diets selected from non-scientific magazines. The nutritional composition of diets was calculated by AVANUTRI software and compared with DRIS (Dietary Reference Intakes) for macronutrients and fibers according to the values proposed by the IV Brazilian Guidelines on Dyslipidemia and Prevention of Atherosclerosis. Standard recommendations for women of 160cm in height and 61.8kg in weight were adopted to perform the calculation of diets. Results: We analyzed 12 diets published in four different magazines. The energy intake ranged from 720 to 1720kcal/day. Regarding macronutrients, 05 (41.6%) menus presented excessive amount of protein, 06 (50%) showed carbohydrate insufficiency, 09 (45%) presented lipid insufficiency, and only 02 (10%) showed sufficient amount of fibers. Conclusion: The results indicate that most diets published in non-scientific magazines present inadequacies of nutrients, which may compromise the nutritional status of individuals. It is indispensable that diets be individualized and monitored by professional nutritionists

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