
The Lac Tio hemo-ilmenite ore body crops out in the outer portion of the 1.06Ga Lac Allard anorthosite, a member of the Havre-Saint-Pierre anorthosite suite from the Grenville province of North America. It is made up of ilmenitite (commonly with more than 95% hemo-ilmenite) associated with noritic lithologies and anorthosite. The present study compares the magnetic fabric of the ore body, as deduced from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements, with the crystallographic and shape fabrics, obtained from lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) and shape-preferred orientation (SPO) measurements made using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) and 3D image analysis, respectively. Room-temperature hysteresis measurements, thermomagnetic curves and values of the bulk magnetic susceptibility reveal a magnetic mineralogy dominated by a mixed contribution of hemo-ilmenite and magnetite. The hemo-ilmenite grains display a LPO characterized by a strong preferred orientation of the basal (0001) plane of ilmenite along which hematite was exsolved. This LPO and the magnetic fabric fit well (angle between the crystallographic c-axis and the axis of minimum susceptibility≤ca. 15° for most samples), and the latter is thus strongly influenced by the hemo-ilmenite magneto-crystalline anisotropy. A magnetite SPO, concordant with the hemo-ilmenite LPO, may also influence and even dominate the magnetic fabric. The rock shape fabric is coaxial with the magnetic fabric that can thus be used to perform detailed structural mapping. Interpretation of the magnetic fabric and field structural data suggests that the Lac Tio ore body would be a sag point at the margin of the Lac Allard anorthosite, deformed by ballooning during the final stage of diapiric emplacement of the anorthosite body.

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