
The interstellar medium and solar wind is permeated by a magnetic field that renders magnetohydrodynamic turbulence anisotropic. In the classic work of Iroshnikov [Astron. Zh. 40, 742 (1963)] and Kraichnan [Phys. Fluids 8, 1385 (1965)], it is assumed that the turbulence is isotropic, and an inertial range energy spectrum that scales as k−3/2 is deduced based on the nonlinear interaction of Alfvén wave packets. Much insight can be gained by analysis and high-resolution numerical simulations of such interactions. In the weak-turbulence limit in which three-wave interactions dominate, analytical and high-resolution numerical results based on random scattering of shear-Alfvén waves propagating parallel to a large-scale magnetic field demonstrate an anisotropic energy spectrum that scales as k⊥−2. Even in the absence of a background magnetic field, when the energy spectrum is globally isotropic, anisotropy is found to develop with respect to the local magnetic field. The two-dimensional case is studied by means of simulations and phenomenological arguments. Despite the presence of local anisotropy, we obtain the Iroshnikov–Kraichnan spectrum, rather than the Kolmogorov spectrum. The same techniques are used to study turbulence in electron magnetohydrodynamics where whistler waves mediate the energy cascade, and comparisons are made with turbulence in magnetohydrodynamics.

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