
The utilization of ceramic aerogels is crucial in spacecraft thermal protection systems that necessitate exceptional high-temperature stability, mechanical robustness, and low thermal conductivity. The primary challenges hindering their implementation encompass inadequate mechanical robustness and high infrared radiation transparency. Herein, a biphasic nanorod encapsulation strategy is proposed to fabricate an Al2O3-TiO2 nanorod aerogel (ATNA) with a hierarchical and anisotropic microstructure. The biphasic nanorod structure not only reduces the radiation heat transfer but also enhances the mechanical properties simultaneously. The primary compressive strain was borne by the intersecting Al2O3 nanorods, while the interpenetrated TiO2 nanorods served to reinforce and withstand partial stress at the joints. The ATNAs obtained exhibit an ultralow thermal conductivity (0.069 W·m−1·K−1 at 1100 °C), exceptional high stiffness (a specific compressive strength of 13.4 kN·m·kg−1), and remarkable thermal stability (1400 °C in air). The robust ATNAs can effectively meet the urgent demand for thermal insulation in high-temperature environments.

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