
Olbiogaster taeniata (Bellardi), Sylvicola notialis Stone, and Stylogaster biannulata. (Say) are new records for Mississippi; S. biannulata and Myxosargus nigricornis Greene are new records for Louisiana. All the specimens reported in this work were sorted from light-trap collections secured in 1966. The identification of Conopidae was confirmed by Dr. Lloyd Knutson, while Anisopodidae and Stratiomyidae were identified in cooperation with Dr. Alan Stone and Dr. Willis W. Wirth, respectively. At least part of the material of each species is deposited in the U. S. National Museum. ANISOPODIDAE Olbiogaster taeniata (Bellardi) Known distribution: Mexico, Texas, and Florida. New records: 6 specimens were collected from Mississippi state (Gainesville, Long Beach, and Pearlington) between the end of April and the middle of October. Sylvicola notialis Stone Known distribution: Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia. New records: 5 specimens were collected from Mississippi state (Gainesville, Logtown, McNeil, and Pearlington) between the end of April and the middle of October. STRATIOMYIDAE Myxosargus nigricornis Greene Known distribution: eastern USA to Oklahoma. New records: 11 specimens were collected from Louisiana (junction of Highways 90 and 190 and Avery Marsh) in April, August, and September. CONOPIDAE Stylogaster biannulatta (Say) Known distribution: New England, south to Florida and Texas. New records: 17 specimens were collected from Louisiana (Indian CampW. Pearl River) and Mississippi (Gainesville, NASA Information Center, Nicholson, and Poplarville) between September 11 and October 18. 'This investigation was supported by a research grant from the Edward G. Schlieder Educational Foundation of New Orleans. The Florida Entomologist 52(4) 1969 This content downloaded from on Wed, 07 Sep 2016 05:32:24 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms

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