
Sohrab Sepehri (1928-1979) is one of the contemporary poets of Persian literature. Animism and personification of things are one of the most obvious types of imagery in Sepehri's poems. Being alive, moving, and intelligent in objects, natural phenomena, and abstract concepts in a literary work are called animism, which is achieved by giving physical or psychological characteristics. Critics have paid less attention to the fact that animism makes Sepaheri's worldview and a large part of his poems. It has been tried to show that Sepehri did not use animism as an art, but animism is his worldview. We investigated this issue by showing animism in Sepehri's poems and analysing it based on the theories of animism. It was known that in Sephehri's mind and imagination, objects and inanimate elements of nature have motion and movement, and as a result, when we look at nature and objects through his eyes, everything becomes full of life, movement, and life for us. The most obvious type of animism in his poems is personification, but the animism of inanimate objects can also be seen in animals.

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