
Quantum Mechanics is the most successful scientific theory of microcosm which completely rejects the objective reality and determinism and embraces the indeterminism and probabilistic nature of underlying microcosm. When Max Planck and Albert Einstein explained the phenomena like Ultraviolet Catastrophe in Black Body Radiation and Photoelectric Effect respectively on the basis of Quantum hypothesis, the era of Quantum Mechanics begins. But Einstein, one of the founders of Quantum Mechanics, does not like the loss of determinism in measurement and thought that there should be a local hidden variable theory underlying the Quantum mechanics. He tried but could not succeed in finding one. Later on, Louis de-Broglie and David Bohm proposed a hidden variable theory called Pilot Wave theory which was rejected by the contemporary physics community because it can’t explain anything new which was not known before. In this paper, I have tried to uncover those local hidden variables pointed out by Albert Einstein. As per my theory, the Universe is being governed by the hidden energy field called Anhadnaad Energy Field (ANEF) which is responsible for its origin, existence and working. Universe is either continuously being created or continuously being destroyed through continuation or discontinuation of Anhadnaad respectively by the Supreme Cosmic Consciousness of the Eternal Existence which is the most Fundamental Reality. Quantum Mechanics is based on the assumption of wave-particle duality of matter as well as radiations. The Pilot Wave theory on the other hand proposed a model in which a real wave physically guides a real particle. While ANEF is based on the assumption that both the guiding waves as well as the particles are real which, unlike Pilot Wave theory, interact with each other in totally different manner in which a wave moves through the medium (NIRGUNA) and set the medium in motion which results into induced vibratory as well as translational motion in the particles as per the mathematical equation of motion given in the paper which also explains the Ultraviolet Catastrophe in Black Body Radiation Experiment and Photoelectric Effect without considering the quantum hypothesis.

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