
We study angular-momentum couplings in $^{87}$Rb$_2$ Rydberg molecules formed between Rydberg and 5S$_{1/2}$ ground-state atoms. We use a Fermi model that includes S-wave and P-wave singlet and triplet scattering of the Rydberg electron with the 5S$_{1/2}$ atom, along with the fine structure coupling of the Rydberg atom and hyperfine structure coupling of the 5S$_{1/2}$ atom. We discuss the effects of these couplings on the adiabatic molecular potentials. We obtain bound-state energies, lifetimes, and electric and magnetic dipole moments for the vibrational ground states of the $^{87}$Rb$(n$D$+5$S$_{1/2})$ molecules in all adiabatic potentials, with fine and hyperfine structure included. We also study the effect of the hyperfine structure on the deep $^3$S-wave- and $^3$P-wave-dominated adiabatic molecular potentials, which support high-$\ell$ $^{87}$Rb$_2$ Rydberg molecules.

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