
The angular resolution of an extensive air shower array for studies on cosmic sources of ultra-high-energy gamma rays has been determined by most of the experimental groups generally by inter-comparison between sub-arrays, in the absence of the knowledge of any steady and strong discrete source. The sub-arrays have been obtained mostly by dividing the main array into two arrays, one containing the even-numbered detectors and another having the odd-numbered detectors. Using this method the angular resolution of the 24-detector array operated at Ooty during 1984-7 was estimated to be about 1.5 degrees . Recently the Ooty group has reported the detection of four episodes of pulsed emission of ultra-high-energy photons from Her X-1 which have been shown to be phase locked with a period of 1.2357701 s. The authors have made a study of the angular resolution for the Ooty array using this signal from Her X-1 which had a relatively low background. The angular resolution of the array has been determined to be 1.6 degrees +or-0.4 degrees . This is the first direct measurement of angular resolution of an air shower array using a point source of ultra-high-energy photons.

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