
ABSTRACT Circumstellar discs around Be stars are formed by the material ejected by the central star. This process removes excess angular momentum from the star as viscosity facilitates the mass and angular momentum transfer within the disc and its growth. The angular momentum loss rates (AMLR) of Be stars is a subject of debate in the literature. Through the modelling of the disc formation and dissipation phases observed from Be stars, their average AMLR can be determined and this is the goal of this work. We use the viscous decretion disc (VDD) model to provide a range of the average AMLR for Be stars and compare these rates with predicted values from the literature. We explore the reasons for discrepancies between the predicted values of average AMLR, using the VDD and Geneva stellar evolution models that were previously reported in literature and find that the largest differences occur when Be stars are rotating below their critical speeds. We show that the time over which the mass reservoir builds up is inversely proportional to the average AMLR. Also, we determine a revised value of the average AMLR for the Galactic Be star ω CMa of $4.7\times 10^{36}\, \mathrm{g\, cm^2\, s^{-2}}$, which is in better agreement with the values expected for a typical B2-type star. Finally, the effect of disc truncation due to the presence of a companion star is investigated and we find that this has a minimal effect on the average AMLR.

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