
High-energy bremsstrahlung photon emission beyond a critical energy from electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) heating has long attracted much attention, and its nature has yet been unsolved. We have measured bremsstrahlung photons from the 28-GHz ECR ion source at Busan Center of Korean Basic Science Institute. The gamma-ray detection system consists of three NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors placed 62 cm radially from the beam axis and a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector at the extraction port for monitoring the photon intensity along the beam axis. Bremsstrahlung photon energy spectra were measured at nine azimuthal angles at the RF power of 1 kW. Azimuthal angular distributions of bremsstrahlung photons were found to be in coincidence with the structure the ECR ion source and the shape of ECR plasma.

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