
We report quantum mechanical calculations of center-of-mass differential cross sections (DCS) for the F+H(2)-->HF+H reaction performed on the multistate [Alexander-Stark-Werner (ASW)] potential energy surfaces (PES) that describe the open-shell character of this reaction. For comparison, we repeat single-state calculations with the Stark-Werner (SW) and Hartke-Stark-Werner (HSW) PESs. The ASW DCSs differ from those predicted for the SW and HSW PES in the backward direction. These differences arise from nonadiabatic coupling between several electronic states. The DCSs are then used in forward simulations of the laboratory-frame angular distributions (ADs) measured by Lee, Neumark, and co-workers [J. Chem. Phys. 82, 3045 (1985)]. The simulations are scaled to match experiment over the range 12 degrees <Theta(lab)<80 degrees. As a natural consequence of the reduced backward scattering, the ASW ADs are more forward and sideways scattered than predicted by the HSW PES. At the two higher collision energies (2.74 and 3.42 kcal/mol) the enhanced sideways scattering of HF v(')=2 products bring the ASW ADs in very good agreement with the experiment. At the lowest collision energy (1.84 kcal/mol), the simulations, for all three sets of PESs consistently underestimate the sideways scattering. The residual disagreements, particularly at the lowest collision energy, may be due to the known deficiencies in the PESs.

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