
Abstract NMR field-cycling measurements of the Larmor frequency (v) and angular (Δ) dependences of the longitudinal proton spin relaxation time T 1 for the nematic liquid crystals 5CB and 8CB allow a more detailed analysis of the underlying molecular motions than data available previously. All T 1 (v, Δ) dispersion profiles essentially distinguish three frequency ranges where T 1 is governed by either local field effects, collective motions (director order fluctuations), or rotational and translational diffusion of individual molecules or molecular groups, respectively. The angular dependence supports and extends previous conclusions about the significance of the order fluctuation term at low (kHz) and high (MHz) Larmor frequencies; in addition it is the basis for the disentanglement of local field effects, which involve Jeener's dipolar relaxation, and of the sophisticated rotational relaxation models suggested in the literature by Dong, Nordio and Vold. It is found that Vold's third rate concept gives t...

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