
Abstract The need to incorporate demographic and sociological data into fishery management programs has been widely recognized, and data from many statewide and national surveys are now available. Most studies of anglers have not addressed differences in characteristics, attitudes, and behavior that exist among angler types, however. The objectives of my study were to describe the opinions of anglers on the relative importance of various factors in promoting good and poor fishing for walleyes Stizostedion vitreum. I surveyed attendees at walleye fishing seminars and I use the results as a basis for discussing walleye angler perceptions. I also describe walleye angler subgroups, based on my observations and communications with anglers, and I discuss them in light of survey results. Good habitat was rated the most important factor for good walleye fishing. Size limits, bag limits, and natural conditions were also rated important. Respondents rated introductory stocking, seasonal closures, and water-level ma...

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