
$\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ has been hinted as a spin-orbital-assisted Mott insulator in proximity to a Kitaev spin liquid state. Here we present ARPES measurements on single crystal $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ in both the pristine and electron-doped states, and combine them with LDA+SOC+U calculations performed for the several low-energy competing magnetically ordered states as well as the paramagnetic state. A large Mott gap is found in the measured band structure of the pristine compound that persists to more than 20 times beyond the magnetic ordering temperature, though the paramagnetic calculation shows almost no gap. Upon electron doping, spectral weight is transferred into the gap but the new states still maintain a sizable gap from the Fermi edge. These findings are most consistent with a Mott insulator with a somewhat exotic evolution out of the Mott state with both temperature and doping, likely related to unusually strong spin fluctuations.

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