
Identity attached in a group always coincides with the perception within it. Identity of general Batak society is perceived as the masculine identity created the gap between female and male in term of the social and economy resources. Batak society who live outside of Bonapasogit likely more solid than they live in Bonapasogit. Itcan be proved by the intense meeting internal Batak community more often than in Bonapasogit. Due the penetration from other cultures force them who reside out Bonapasogit more united among them. Meanwhile, for people live in Bonapasogit the only threat coming from their own community because they didn’t face the penetration from outsiders. Especially, for female Batak community the threat is the dominating patrilineality who standstill the tradition which isn’t favored to female. In densely population in cities, marga can be used as the supported tools in relationship even many female Batak were born outside Bonapasogit still use marga for their advantage purpose, especially in bureaucracy. Meanwhile for Angkola Batak who live their hometown has the different situation due don’t get advantage the beneficiary of marga. Because of pressure from their own community Keywords: Islam; patrilineality; inheritance; human right; identity


  • Introduction to Theory andMethods, London: Ally and Bacon, 1998

  • Vision of Kiai Subhan and Kiai Masruri Mughni as the leader of Pesantren As-Salafiyah and Al-Hikmah is a religious service. educating santri is a form of struggle to uphold the teaching of Allah

  • Vision of kiai about performance at two Pesantren As-Salafiyah and AlHikmah was lied on prespective and views of each kiai which underlying typology of educational services at each Pesantren

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Research Method

This research is qualitative that aims to gain a deep description and to analyze leadership model of kiai improving educational services quality at Pesantren AsSalafiyah and Al-Hikmah 2. This study is to deeply identify and analyze kiai leadership and its implementation in management of educational institutions at Pesantren. To obtain holistic and integrative data and to take into account relevance of data with focus and purpose of research, the researcher used three techniques of data collection proposed by Bogdan and Biklen, namely: (1) indept interview; (2) paticipant observation; and (3) study of document. Directobservasion; (5) participant observation; (6) physical artifacts.5 In this case, researcher chosed three techniques proposed by Bogdan and Biklen, because according to the researcher what was offered by Jhon W Creswell and Robert was overlapped, and it had included three techniques above. According to Miles and Huberman, analysis of data can be done through three plot activities that occur simultaneously: (1) data reduction; to classify, to lead, to remove unnecessary data, and to organize data, (2) data displays; to find patterns of meaningful relationship and constitute possibility to draw conclusion, (3) conclusion, drawing and verification; to make meaning pattern of happening events

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