
Synthetic orally active angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have been successfully used in the treatment of congestive heart failure and hypertension, particularly in hypertensive subjects with increased renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system activity. Adverse skin reactions, angioneurotic oedema and rapidly decreasing lung function in asthmatics have been reported following medication with ACE inhibitors. Furthermore, these drugs have been associated with a persistent dry cough in subjects without previous known bronchial hyper-reactivity. There is reason to believe that an ACE inhibitor-induced cough is due to an increased inflammatory state in the airways of susceptible individuals, and that this cough might thereby have pathophysiological features in common with the cough seen as an early symptom of asthma. All inflammatory responses, wheal and flare reactions, infiltration of neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes were enhanced by ACE inhibitors. A dose-response relationship for the proinflammatory effect of the ACE inhibitor has been demonstrated.

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