
Abstract Aim. Angiopoietin-related growth factor (AGF) is associated with angiogenesis but it can also affect glucose and energy metabolism. The aim of this study was to determine AGF levels in preeclampsia. Method. The study included 32 women with preeclampsia (preeclampsia group) and 32 non-preeclamptic, healthy, third trimester pregnant women (Control group). We analyzed serum levels of AGF and other biochemical and anthropometric markers in all subjects. Results. Serum AGF levels were significantly higher in subjects with preeclampsia (98.6 ng/mL) than those in the control group (52.2 ng/mL), (p-value<0.001). In preeclampsia group, mean sistolic blood pressure and mean diastolic blood pressure were found significantly higher than in control group (157.5 mm Hg/114.6 mm Hg, 100.9 mm Hg/70.0 mm Hg respectively). Also mean arterial pressure in preeclampsia group was significantly higher than in control group (119.7 mm Hg/84.8 mm Hg) (p-value<0.001). There was a significant positive association between AGF and systolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure in preeclampsia group but there was no relationship between AGF and homeostasis model of assessment insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). Conclusion. Although systolic blood pressure can be a predictor of serum AGF level in preeclampsia, further studies are needed to explain the physiologic roles of AGF in physiopathology of preeclampsia. Keywords: Angiopoietin-related growth factor, preeclampsia Ozet Amac. Angiopoietin-iliskili buyume faktoru anjiogenez ile iliskilidir fakat glukoz ve enerji metabolizmasinida etkileyebilmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci preeklampside Angiopoietin-iliskili buyume faktorunun serum seviyelerinin belirlenmesidir. Yontem. Calisma 32 preeklampsili kadin (preeklampsi grubu) ve 32 saglikli 3. trimesterde gebe kadin (Kontrol grubu) ile yapildi. Tum olgularda, Angiopoietin-iliskili buyume faktorunun serum seviyeleri ile birlikte diger biyokimyasal ve antropometrik veriler analiz edildi. Bulgular. Preeklampsili olgularda Angiopoietin-iliskili buyume faktorunun serum seviyeleri (98,6ng/mL) kontrol grubundan (52,2 ng/mL) anlamli yuksekti (p-degeri<0,001). Preeklampsi grubunun ortalama sistolik kan basinci ve ortalama diastolic kan basinci degerleri kontrol grubundan anlamli yuksek bulundu (sirasiyla 157,5 mm Hg/114,6 mm Hg, 100,9 mm Hg/70,0 mm Hg). Ayrica, ortalama arteryel basinc da preeklampsi grubunda kontrol grubundan anlamli yuksekti (119,7 mm Hg/84,8 mm Hg) (p-degeri<0,001). Preeklampsi grubunda, Angiopoietin-iliskili buyume faktorun’un serum seviyeleri ile sistolik kan basinci ve ortalama arteryel basinc arasinda pozitif iliski tespit edildi ancak insulin direnci indeksi(HOMA-IR) ile iliski tespit edilmedi. Sonuc. Sistolik kan basinci, preeklampsili hastalarda serum Angiopoietin-iliskili buyume faktorun’un seviyeleri icin bir belirleyici olabilir ancak preeklampsinin fizyopatolojisinde Angiopoietin-iliskili buyume faktorun’un fizyolojik rolunun aciklanmasi icin baska calismalarada ihtiyac vardir. Anahtar soz cukler: Angiopoietin-iliskili buyume faktoru, preeklampsi

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