
Skeletal muscle capillarisation responds to physiological and pathological conditions with a remarkable plasticity. Angiomotin was recently identified as a new pro-angiogenic molecule. Angiomotin is expressed as two protein isoforms, p80 and p130. Whereas p80 stimulates endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis, p130 is rather characteristic of stabilized and matured vessels. To date, how angiomotin expression is physiologically regulated in vivo remains largely unknown. We thus investigated (1) whether angiomotin was physiologically expressed in skeletal muscle; (2) whether exercise training, known to stimulate muscle angiogenesis, affected angiomotin expression; and (3) whether such regulation was altered in obesity, a pathological situation often associated with an impaired angiogenic activity and some capillary rarefaction in skeletal muscle. Two models of obesity were used: a high fat diet regime and Zucker Diabetic Fatty rats (ZDF). Our results provide evidence that angiomotin was expressed both in capillaries and myofibres. In non-obese rats, the p80 isoform was increased in plantaris muscle in response to endurance training whereas p130 was unaffected. In obese animals, no change was observed for p80 whereas training significantly decreased p130 expression. Exercise training induced angiogenesis in plantaris from both obese and non-obese rats, possibly through the modulation of angiomotin level and its consequences on RhoA-ROCK signalling. In conclusion, any increase in p80 or decrease in p130, as respectively observed in non-obese and obese animals, led to an increased ratio between p80 and p130 isoforms. This increased angiomotin p80/p130 ratio might then directly reflect the enhanced angiogenic ability of skeletal muscle in response to exercise training.

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