
<h3>To the Editor.—</h3> In a recent article by Stevenson and Lincoln concerning "Angioma Serpiginosum" which appeared in theArchives(<b>95</b>:16, 1967), evidence is cited to relate angioma serpiginosum and nevus flammeus. The authors discuss the strong clinical and histologic evidence between the two conditions. They note that several case reports, including Hutchinson's original, noted the presence of a "port wine mark" preceding the onset of lesions. They go on to conclude that although final proof relating these two conditions is lacking, the similarities in the clinical course and histopathologic feaures of these disorders strongly support this proposition. In 1963, members of the New England Dermatologic Society were privileged to see a case which was reported by C. J. White prior to the turn of the century (<i>J Cutan Dis</i><b>12</b>:504, 1894). Dr. Bruce Bairstow of Concord, NH, presented the case originally diagnosed by White as angioma serpiginosum,

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