
The investigation was undertaken to compare the blood supply and venous drainage of the brain of the baboon P. ursinus, the vervet monkey C. pygerithrus, and the bushbaby G. senegalensis with that of man, because these animals are extensively used as research models. The blood supply of the three primates was found to be similar in each case. Like man they have a complete circulus arteriosus; but they have a single anterior cerebral artery, whereas man has paired anterior cerebral arteries. The arterial supply to the cerebellum in the primates is similar to that in man, the main difference being a "common inferior cerebellar artery" which bifurcates to form the anterior inferior cerebellar and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries. In man, these arteries arise separately from the basilar artery and vertebral arteries, respectively. The dural venous drainage was also found to be similar in these primates but was far more extensive than in man. The primates have additional sinuses--the more important of these being the "basisphenoid sinus" and the petrosquamous sinus. The former drains the basilar sinus and is itself drained via the vertebral venous plexus and internal jugular vein. The latter drains via the petrosquamous foramen into the retromandibular vein. The petrosquamous sinus has a rostral extension which drains through the foramen ovale and two lateral and medial connecting sinuses which drain the cavernous and basilar sinuses, respectively. These sinuses are not found in man.

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