
Objective: The aim of this review is to discuss and evaluate the possible outcomes of methods and preventive interventions for adolescents to identify the feeling of anger and management. 
 Methods: Research papers from 2000-2020 were searched in national and international databases (Pubmed, EBSCOHost, Science Direct, Ulakbim Turkish Medical Index, Turkish Medline). Turkish and English keywords were used:“adolesan, öfke, öfke yönetimi”; “adolescence, anger, anger management”.
 Results: Approximately 1.8 billions of individuals are in adolescence in the world and although the majority of these individuals are healthy; a significant percentage of them experience serious or mortal diseases and other issues. Major physical, psychological and social changes occur in adolescence. Individuals start seeking experiences and they encounter certain risks with these changes. Because of the emotional change adolescents go through, they have difficulties with effective communication and also managing anger. The individuals who are not capable of managing their anger often express their anger maladaptively and show violent behavior. The aggressive behavior arising from inability of managing anger present a great concern for parents, educators and mental health professionals, given its outcomes on mental health and well-being on adolescents. 
 Conclusion: Identifying risks and creating interventions for preventing psychopathology and morbidity in adolescence is important. Adolescents as a risk group should be trained by nurses, who have an important place in the provision of health services, on the cause, expression and control of anger, anger, problem solving, communication skills, coping skills, and the information sources they can reach should be taught to adolescents.

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