
The aggravation of military-political conflicts at the beginning of the XXI century is analyzed. On the example of the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of a part of Donbass, the content nature of armed conflicts and their difference from the classical forms of total war are revealed. It is assumed that the urgency of this problem will increase in the coming years. On the one hand, this is due to the strengthening, of scientific interest in the theoretical problems of the existence of various types and forms of modern armed-political conflicts, and, on the other hand, this is due to the practical needs of finding an adequate response from Ukraine and the entire democratic world community to the Russian annexation of Crimea and the occupation of a part of Donetsk and Luhansk regions in 2014 year. The emergence of new forms of armed-political confrontation and «hybrid peace» destroys a clear boundary between a local armed conflict and a «big» war, which necessitates a new understanding of the significance and role of non-military pressure factors in these conditions. In this context, the economy, culture, information, science and politics are turning into instruments of «soft power» that have a significant impact on the life safety of the population of any state, can cause negative consequences for social, cultural, economic, technological and environmental security. «Hybrid» armed-political conflicts blur the line between the army and the population, between enemies and allies, between the front and the rear. Modern armed clashes are inextricably linked with a significant deterioration in the living conditions of the population and a decrease in the level of its social protection. The emergence of a big number of refugees and internally displaced persons as another important negative consequence of the modern armed-political conflict is revealed. Modern forms of military-political conflicts are defined as a characteristic of interstate relations. It is concluded that the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is causing a global transformation of the world geopolitical space, the established rules of world security and interstate relations.

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