
ABSTRACT To the Editor: —In The Journal, July 14, p. 112, Dr. S. L. Silverman describes a method of anesthetizing the superior maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve by an injection made through the greater palatine canal. I would call attention to an article by Dr. Juan Ubaldo Carrea, in El Odontologo, Buenos Aires, 1921, Nos. 16 and 17, entitled Anestesia troncular del nervio maxilar superior por el conducto palatino posterior, describing the identical procedure with the exception of a few minor details. It appears to me that the method has its greatest field of usefulness in reaching the sphenopalatine ganglion in cases of nasal ganglion neurosis as described by Sluder, affording, as it does, a more direct route to the sphenomaxillary fossa than any other method.

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