
which are characteristics of this syndrome (Fig. 1). Thyroid ultrasonography showed a multilocular cystic 33 3 20mm mass anterior to the thyroid gland. There was no mass activity on thyroid scintigraphy. The total blood count and other laboratory test results were within normal ranges. No gastroesophageal reflux was observed on esophagogastrography. The right testis had not descended, and the left testis was retractile. The results of cranial computerized tomography and chromosomal analysis were normal. He had no cardiac defects. He was diagnosed as having the autosomal dominant mutagenic form of RTS. There was an uneventful history of operation and anesthesia for a midline neck mass diagnosed as a thyroglossal cyst that was performed at another center 1 year previously. On this occasion, the midline neck mass was above the previous one and was thought to be a recurrent thyroglossal cyst preoperatively. The patient’s height was 90cm (,3 percentile), and his weight was 14kg (3–10 percentiles). He fasted for 8h and was not premedicated before induction of anesthesia. His heart rate was 130 beats·min21 and his SpO2 was 99%. After preoxygenation, anesthesia was induced by 50% N2O/O2 mixture in sevoflurane via a face mask. After intravenous access had been obtained, 0.5mg kg21 of atracurium was injected, and endotracheal intubation was performed without difficulty with an uncuffed tube that had an internal diameter of 4.5mm. Anesthesia was maintained with 50% N2O/O2 mixture in sevoflurane. The neck mass was excised. At the end of anesthesia, spontaneous ventilation was promptly reestablished. After reversal of residual muscle paralysis with 0.5mg of neostigmine and 0.25mg of atropine, the endotracheal tube was removed. Rectal paracetamol was administered for postoperative pain. No significant problem was encountered during induction, maintenance, and extubation. The pathologic diagnosis of the mass was dermoid cyst.

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