
The objective of the study : to analyze the experience of anesthesia when performing cytoreductive surgeries using hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in patients with advanced forms of ovarian cancer. Subjects and methods . A pilot study of anesthetic management was conducted in 30 patients with ovarian cancer who underwent multiorgan cytoreductive abdominal resection with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Results . The risk of anesthesia was 5.18 ± 0.39 points (which corresponded to the III degree of risk) according to the recommendations of the Moscow Scientific Society of Anesthesiology Reanimatology (MSSAR). The total volume of infusion‒transfusion therapy (ITT) was 11.070,0 ± 2.243,5 ml. with the hour rate of 21.7 ± 6.1 ml/kg-1/h-1, due to increase in the volume of crystalloids. Important components of anesthetic management were the patient's thermal stability and antiemetic therapy. Conclusion . As a result of the study, it was revealed that anesthesia in patients during cytoreductive operations with HIPEC was fairly complex and required the participation of a well-trained anesthesiological team. The issue of choosing the scale to assess anesthetic risk due to the lack of optimal one for this type of operations, requires further research. Although in our opinion, the scale of anesthesiological risk of the Moscow Scientific Society of Anesthesiologists-Resuscitators is more preferable. In such operations, the volume of ITT should be increased primarily through balanced crystalloids.


  • The objective of the study: to analyze the experience of anesthesia when performing cytoreductive surgeries using hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in patients with advanced forms of ovarian cancer

  • A pilot study of anesthetic management was conducted in 30 patients with ovarian cancer who underwent multiorgan cytoreductive abdominal resection with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy

  • The risk of anesthesia was 5.18 ± 0.39 points according to the recommendations of the Moscow Scientific Society of Anesthesiology Reanimatology (MSSAR)

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Материал и методы

Проведено пилотное исследование анестезиологических пособий 30 пациенток, проходивших лечение в ГБУЗ «ООД» г. Иркутска по поводу запущенных форм рака яичника с 2016 по 2018 г. Всем пациенткам выполняли циторедуктивные операции в различных объемах, зависящих от количества органов, подвергшихся резекции или удалению. Выполнение резекции или удаления органов было напрямую связано с распространенностью опухолевого поражения Выполнение резекции или удаления органов было напрямую связано с распространенностью опухолевого поражения (табл. 1)

Объем операции
Результаты и обсуждение
Компонент анестезиологического пособия Севоран Закись азота Фентанил Ропивакаин
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