
The constellation of neonatal hypotonia, developmental delay, hypogonadism and obesity caused by hyperphagia was first reported in 1956 and subsequently termed Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Genetic analysis has demonstrated abnormalities of chromosome 15. Anesthesia concerns of PWS include morbid obesity, the potential for difficulties with airway management, risk for perioperative respiratory failure, abnormalities in the central control of ventilation and temperature, rare reports of primary myocardial involvement, aggressive and at times violent behavior and glucose intolerance. For the first time, we report the use of regional anesthesia in four patients with PWS. A lumbar plexus catheter was used to provide postoperative analgesia in one patient while regional anesthesia (fasica iliaca block, spinal anesthesia, and lateral vertical infraclavicular block) was used to provide primary intraoperative anesthesia in three other patients while avoiding the need for general anesthesia. Previous reports of the anesthesia care of patients with PWS are reviewed and the potential perioperative implications of the sequelae of PWS are discussed.

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